NVG stands for healthy and safe pet food. Our members apply the European self-regulation laid down in the FEDIAF Codes. To this end the Code of Conduct is signed at the start of membership.
By connecting knowledge and networks, we create inspiration and progress in the pet food sector. Together we are smarter, stronger and more innovative for good, safe and sustainable pet food.
Would you like to join NVG as a member, knowledge partner or export partner? Please contact us.
Accessible to: Companies that manufacture and/or market pet food.
Open to: companies that manufacture and/or market pet food, interested in exporting to 3rd countries / companies associated with the pet food sector, interested in exporting to 3rd countries.
Accessible to: companies that do not manufacture or market pet food themselves, but are affiliated with the pet food sector by, for example, supplying products or techniques to manufacturers of pet food.
Nederlandse Voedingsindustrie Gezelschapsdieren (NVG)
Postbus 1015
4200 CA Gorinchem
© 2002 - 2024 | Nederlandse Voedingsindustrie Gezelschapsdieren